Friday, September 26, 2008

Final Friday

Wow. Do I have a headache. From the moment I got up I had a headache. Not to mention I got up late, so that doesn't help anything. I've been rushing around since 8:00. But I wasn't late to work, so that's good. I've got to leave early to go to the ATM, then to pick some kind of sweet treat for the food table, pick up my drawing stuff that I forgot at home and get down to the Pendleton- in 30 minutes. It's going to be rush central. My head just throbbed thinking about it.

So yeah, Final Friday tonight. I've recently gotten into the habit of taking my latest drawing with me and working on it while sitting in the studio. It's a win-win situation. I get a few hours to do nothing but work and people like the whole 'demonstration' thing.

My latest piece is a pencil drawing of Bella and Edward, the 2 main characters from the Twilight Saga book series. It's a birthday present for my best friend. It's a good thing she's patient.. her birthday was in July! She's just happy that's her present in the first place. But as soon as it's done I will be putting it up here for your viewing pleasure!

Until next time...

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